
How to Start a Red Light Therapy Business (or Add Light Therapy to Your Service Menu)

The wellness market is booming and interest in functional medicine (like red light therapy) has never been greater.

According to McKinsey & Company, 82% of consumers now say wellness is a top or very important priority in their lives. And a recent Glimpse study shows a 73% increase year-over-year in red light therapy interest among consumers.

This trend creates a compelling opportunity for wellness entrepreneurs, who want to launch dedicated RLT clinics or expand their existing service menus.

However, whether you’re interested in starting a new RLT business, or add light therapy as a complementary service, success hinges on a few key factors:

  • Market Research: Understanding your target audience and their needs is crucial.
  • Targeted Treatments: Identify specific conditions you can address or complement your existing services.
  • Quality Equipment: Invest in high-quality, commercial RLT devices for optimal results.
  • Effective Marketing: Build a strong strategy to reach potential clients.
  • Science-Based Approach: Stay informed about the latest research to offer reliable treatments.

Ready to Launch? Read our guide for valuable tips, pricing strategies, and differentiation ideas to help you start and thrive in the red light therapy business.

Why Start a Red Light Therapy Business?

Consumers are more interested in photobiomodulation and light therapy than ever before. But can that interest translate into a full-fledged business or new revenue stream?

Absolutely. With the right planning, starting a red light therapy business can be a winning move. Here are three key reasons why:

1. Strong Return on Investment

The growing demand for RLT services allows you to recoup your investment in equipment and marketing quickly. For example, Dr. Eric Broadworth, who owns a PT practice in Michigan, used red light therapy to increase revenue by $200,000 in the first year.

With red light therapy sessions costing $75-$125 per visit, the right acquisition model can drive rapid revenue growth.

2. Improved Patient Outcomes

RLT offers a range of benefits, from pain relief and improved skin health to faster wound healing and reduced inflammation. Since red light therapy’s discovery in 1903, a growing body of research suggests it may be a standalone or complementary treatment for:

  • Inflammation
  • Improving circulation
  • Physical therapy & chiropractic
  • Skincare & medical aesthetics
  • Sports medicine
  • Massage
  • Anti-aging and age medicine

Pro Tip. Consumers prefer science-backed approaches, according to the McKinsey study. Therefore, as you grow your business, use science-based research to inform your audience.

3. Streamlined Client Acquisition

Building on the existing interest in RLT, attracting new clients becomes easier.

For new businesses and existing clinics, target marketing that highlights the benefits of RLT can expand your reach and attract a clientele fast. Many clinics can be first-to-market and claim market share for red light therapy.

First Steps: Starting a Red Light Therapy Business

As with starting any new business, wellness entrepreneurs need to conduct careful market research and business planning.

Some of the key steps for opening a red light clinic include:

I. Market Research

Analyze your local market and answer these questions:

  • Demand: Is there a demand for RLT services in your area? Research local salons, spas, and medispas to see if they offer RLT. Consider demographics like age and income level.
  • Competition: Who are your competitors? Analyze their pricing, service packages, and marketing strategies. Identify potential gaps in the market where you can differentiate your business.
  • Pricing: Research what other RLT providers charge to establish a competitive pricing strategy.

II. Securing Licenses and Permits

Every business needs a basic business license to operate legally. Check with your local government for specific requirements.

However, with a red light therapy business, you may also need to consider:

  • Professional Licenses: Some jurisdictions may require licenses or certifications for operating an RLT business. Investigate any specific licenses needed for technicians operating the equipment. Even if not required, certifications can help you build trust.
  • Insurance: Obtain general liability insurance to protect your business from potential lawsuits. However, you should also consider professional liability insurance (malpractice insurance), depending on the type of business you operate.

III. Commercial Equipment

Red light therapy machines will be your largest start-up cost. A top-quality red light therapy bed, for example, typically starts around $90,000, while a commercial-grade RLT panel might cost half that.

Quality equipment is worth the investment. The best machines allow you to:

  • Align treatments to patient outcomes
  • Provide multiple treatments daily (with no light degradation)
  • Contact support staff to troubleshoot issues quickly
  • Partner for marketing and client acquisition support

TRUSTED PROVIDER. Hue Light USA offers a full line of red light therapy and wellness devices. Learn why our photobiomodulation therapy devices are designed to maximize medical benefits.

IV. Planning

Next, you’ll want to create a business plan for your red light therapy facility. This is helpful for both new clinics and existing wellness businesses. Your plan should outline:

  • Equipment Costs – For a new clinic, the highest start-up expenses are equipment and build-out, while established businesses only need to consider equipment costs (and possibly facility upgrades). Overall, a new facility might cost $100,000-$300,000 to start.
  • Marketing Strategy: Establish a marketing plan to reach your target audience. Consider online advertising, social media marketing, and partnerships with local businesses.
  • Financial Planning: Create a financial plan that includes equipment costs, marketing expenses, insurance premiums, and projected revenue. Determine how much it will cost to operate through your first year.

Tips for Launching a Red Light Therapy Business or New Service

Follow these business tips for launching and scaling your practice quickly:

1. Target Your Approach

Red light therapy offers promise for a wide range of conditions, from pain management to mental health.

Although there are many practical applications, if you’re starting a new red light therapy business, consider targeting a few select patient demographics. For example, your business could be the source for red light therapy skincare.

For existing clinics, red light therapy should complement your existing offerings. This will allow you to offer packages, upsells, and drive revenue growth. Red light therapy complements these wellness business types:

  • Spas and massage
  • Sports medicine
  • Physical therapy clinics
  • Chiropractic practices
  • Pain management clinics
  • Medical spas

2. Choose the Right Red Light Devices

Red light therapy businesses can offer targeted treatments (for example with lasers and mats), but many choose to offer full-body treatments.

The two most common types of devices used in red light therapy businesses include:

  • Red Light Therapy Beds – Ideal for offering comfortable, full-body treatments. These devices are similar in size to tanning beds and provide a similar patient experience. RLT beds offer the most comprehensive treatment but do require ample space.
  • Red Light Panels – Commercial light therapy panels are more portable and can be positioned over a massage table, for example. They’re ideal if you want to offer full-body treatments, but do not have the space for a red.

With both device types, average sessions last about 10-20 minutes, so you can serve more patients throughout the day.

In addition, you can choose targeted guns, facial masks, or pads to offer targeted treatments to smaller areas.

3. Pricing Strategy

Create attractive pricing packages for red light therapy treatments. On average, treatments can cost $75-$125 per half-hour. Consider these red light therapy pricing strategies:

  • Packages/Bundles: Offer discounts for bulk treatments, encouraging client commitment and increasing revenue.
  • Introductory Discounts: Attract new clients and get them to experience the benefits.
  • Membership Programs: Offer a fixed monthly fee for unlimited or discounted treatments, enticing frequent clients.
  • Time-Based Pricing: Charge different rates for short vs. long sessions to cater to various needs.
  • Premium Upsells: Enhance base treatments with add-ons like consultations, massage, or topical creams for a higher price.

4. Use Strategic Marketing for Growth

A targeted marketing strategy is essential for any wellness clinic, but the tactics will differ depending on how long you’ve been in business. Here’s a breakdown of key approaches for new and established clinics:

New Businesses:

For new businesses, your goal should be to build awareness and generate leads. Two tactics to consider include:

  • Public Relations (PR): Get your name out there by issuing press releases, pitching local media outlets, and participating in community events.
  • Paid Marketing: Utilizing paid search, social and traditional media advertising can help you reach a wider audience and drive initial books.

Some other keys: Focus on location. It should be easily accessible and have good visibility. Create a launch campaign. You can invite local media or influencers to generate word-of-mouth promotion.

Established Clinics:

If you have an established clientele, your goal should be nurturing existing clients and offering packages for improved outcomes. Channels to explore include:

  • Email Marketing: Leverage your email list to promote new services, special offers, and loyalty programs.
  • Upselling and Packages: Encourage existing clients to upgrade their treatments or consider bundled packages for better value.
  • Public Relations: Maintain positive media presence by highlighting success stories and new treatment offerings.

MARKETING SUPPORT. Hue Light USA provides marketing packages for clinics that use our devices. Learn more about opening a clinic.

5. Define Your Patient Experience

Successful facilities deliver exceptional patient experiences that go beyond treatment. When you consider every touchpoint, you build a loyal audience and encourage repeat business.

Here are some ways to define your red light therapy patient experience:

1. Pre-Treatment

Provide comprehensive information about RLT, including benefits, potential side effects, and expected results. Consider offering a free consultation to address individual concerns and ensure the right fit.

Additionally, you should offer:

  • Booking Convenience: Offer flexible appointment scheduling options, online booking capabilities, and clear communication regarding cancellation policies.
  • Welcoming Atmosphere: Create a relaxing and inviting environment in your clinic. Consider comfortable seating, soothing music, and a well-maintained space.

2. During Treatment

Tailor treatments to individual needs and preferences. Discuss treatment goals and adjust settings accordingly.

  • Client Comfort: Ensure treatment areas are clean, sanitized and that they are private.
  • Knowledgeable Staff: Employ well-trained staff who can answer questions and provide guidance throughout the treatment process.

3. Post-Treatment

After an appointment, think about these touchpoints:

  • Aftercare Instructions: Provide clear aftercare instructions to optimize treatment results.
  • Request Feedback: Encourage client feedback to understand their experience and identify areas for improvement. This can be through surveys, email follow-ups, or in-person conversations.
  • Loyalty Programs: Reward repeat clients with loyalty programs and exclusive offers.

Open Your Red Light Therapy Business with Hue Light USA

Expanding your wellness business or launching a new one brings its own set of challenges. Your red light therapy equipment provider shouldn’t be a source of frustration. Work with Hue Light USA.

Hue Light USA offers a variety of commercial red light therapy devices and wellness equipment. Our devices include the Whole-Body Photobiomodulation Chamber (a state-of-the-art red light therapy bed) and the Full-Body PBM Panel.

Our devices offer:

  • Green, red and near-infrared wavelengths
  • Optimized for precise dosing
  • FDA registered
  • Extended warranty coverage
  • Commercial-grade LED components
  • On-demand support to troubleshoot issues
  • Marketing support

Join our network of providers today and Open a Clinic. We offer premium medical equipment from a wide range of wellness businesses.


You'll likely need general liability insurance to protect your business from lawsuits. Additionally, consider professional liability insurance (errors and omissions) to cover potential claims of negligence. Explore specific insurance needs with a qualified insurance broker.

There are several options for financing:

  • Personal savings: This can be a good option if you have the capital upfront.
  • Small business loans: Banks and credit unions offer loans specifically for starting businesses.
  • Equipment financing: Some equipment vendors offer financing options for purchasing RLT devices.
  • Investors: You may seek investors who believe in your business idea.

Start-up costs can vary depending on factors like location, equipment chosen, and staffing needs. Here are some general cost considerations:

  • Equipment: This is a significant cost. Research and compare different devices to find one that fits your budget and treatment goals.
  • Rent/Lease: If you have a physical location, factor in rent or lease payments.
  • Insurance: Account for ongoing insurance premiums.
  • Marketing: Budget for marketing and advertising to reach potential clients.
  • Permits/Licenses: Research any necessary permits or licenses required in your area.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a direct reference to any products offered by Hue Light USA or any specific brand. We do not claim that our products can achieve the effects or benefits discussed in this content. This information should not be interpreted as medical advice or as an endorsement of any specific product or treatment. We encourage readers to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions regarding their health or wellness regimen.

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